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Adbappcontrol 4 pda

ADB AppControl - How to activate

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ADB AppControl - a new and handy desktop program, that will allow you to easily manage applications on your android device.
ACBridge. Requires andoid 6 or higher. Compatibility with older versions may be limited. This is a service application for Android to provide data exchange between the device and ADB AppControl on a PC.
List of all widely used ADB commands
To create folder in deviceadb shell<enter>mkdir /sdcard/test
To check network statistic of android deviceadb shell<enter>netstat
To get IP address information of device's WIFIadb shell<enter>ip -f inet addr show wlan0
ADB sideload is a feature of the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) that allows you to install or update an Android application (APK) on your device using a computer. It allows you to transfer files between the computer and the device over a USB cable.
Android Debug Bridge ( adb ) is a versatile command-line tool that lets you communicate with a device. The adb command facilitates a variety of device actions, such as installing and debugging apps.
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