Hiper vrw

Нотик: Очки виртуальной реальности для смартфонов HIPER VR VRM, Черный/Белый, HI

Hyper-V RemoteFX (Hyper-V RFX) is a feature in Microsofts Hyper-V virtualization platform that provides a virtualized 3D graphical experience to remote users. It allows virtual machines to access the graphics processing capabilities of the host system. This technology is particularly useful for scenarios such as virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI), where users require access to graphics-intensive applications or content. Hyper-V RemoteFX aims to deliver a rich multimedia experience, including support for USB redirection, multiple monitors, and enhanced video playback.

HIPER VR MAX обзор. Очки виртуальной реальности с геймпадом

HIPER VR MAX – очки виртуальной реальности со встроенными наушниками и беспроводным геймпадом, вывод...

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